25 Years Of Hosni Mubarak
October 14th marks the 25th anniversary of the elevation of Hosni Mubarak to presidency after a guy called Khaled Al Islambuli punctured a few holes in his predecessor Anwar Al Sadat. My one observation for now is that since 1981 we only had one president while Britain had 3 prime ministers, the US had 5 presidents and Israel had 8 prime ministers. That is because we Egyptians, unlike the Brits, Americans and Israelis, are less fussy about trivial things like "who governs us"?
It's a difficult question peter, but old Hosni is still in power. He is 78 now and maybe he'll stay on for another 25 years. By then he'll be 103. The other possibility is the obvious one, yes you said it, his son Gamal who is 42 years old I think. Now if Gamal stays in power till he is 80 like his father, this means that he can stay in power for 40 years. This will take us up to about the year 2045. Woderful isn't it?
zabinzo, At
5:00 PM, October 13, 2006
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